Check Metering and Bill Verifications

Check Metering & Bill Verifications –

What is it and who needs it?

Check Metering and Bill Verification. Normally a customer has to accept at face value that their electricity bill is correct, trust what is being asked and pay the bill.

Errors in electricity bills are not particularly common, but they do now and again occur and the consequences for the customer can be significant. Errors that can arise for industrial or commercial customers is that there is a mix-up in the billing data and the customer gets sent an account for somebody else’s usage, or there is an error in the recorded current-transformer ratio which throws the accuracy way out. (Or shorted turns within the current transformer can also result in an incorrectly high bill – this type of fault is rare though)

If you suspect that there is something wrong with your electricity bill, or if you would simply like peace of mind that it is correct then give us a call. Power Quality Investigations can install a check meter for a period of time and provide you with independent metering data with which to compare your bill. If you do then need to approach your electrical supplier you have some hard evidence at your disposal.

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